On Saturday, Courtney and I decided to take the girls (and Baret) to a new park...well, new for me anyway. Olivia and Piper played at the park for a little bit until I decided that I was starving (since Olivia ate all of my breakfast). We left the park and went to Tomato Head.
Here's Piper and Olivia hamming it up.

After Tomato Head, we went by the dance store because Olivia had outgrown her tap and ballet shoes. After that exhausting expedition, we went to
King's HydroFarm. It's a farm that grown everything hydroponically and you get to pick your own veggies.
Here is Olivia playing with Greens of some sort.
She's super happy with her loot of the tastiest spinach that I've ever had.
Behold the deliciousness of the lettuce room. Look ma, NO dirt!
They also have chickens and you can get the yummiest super farm fresh eggs!
The guy who runs the place, Farmer Jim, brought out a chicken for the girls to "pet".
Olivia is like, "Uh, mom...I don't think so."

But she quickly changed her mind.
Here she is "bok bok"ing in the chicken's face (and I'm telling her to not get so close to the beak having creature. Alfred Hitchcock...Hello?)
Here's Courtney (and Baret is in the stroller just chillin').
They also have a cool playset (which is actually just for their grand kids, but Olivia and Piper are too cute to resist).
Fresh strawberries in 2 weeks! Who's with me?