Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Crazy hair!!

Olivia had a fever Sunday night so she wasn't able to go to daycare on Monday. She went to sleep on Sunday at 5 pm (after a 2 hour nap at noon) and slept until 8 am on Monday - which is totally unheard of with her! Here is what 15 hours of sleep does to my sweetie's hair...

Sorry the quality is cruddy, but she wouldn't let me get my camera.


Lucy's mom said...

So cute! Goota love bedhead! Hope she is feeling better now...

Katelyn said...

I am so glad y'all are recognizing how much sleep CF kids need! I hated it growing up, because well, I was a kid, but man... my parents were right on the money.

She is so stinkin' cute. I just want to eat her up.

Julie said...

Sounds like Seamus a few weeks ago. I hope she's feeling better now.

And oh yeah, crazy cute!