Here we go with TONS of pictures!
On Day 4 (which was Halloween), we went back to Magic Kingdom. Olivia wanted to wear her costume (naturally), but didn't want to wear a shirt underneath. It was a little cool and the tulle on the dress was rubbing against her skin badly, but I lost that battle. I was able to get her to wear leggings underneath again (thankfully). When we got to the park, we saw there were princesses just waiting to be met. Olivia was extremely excited and making sure her costume was perfectly in place.
First up, she met Rapunzel. Rapunzel asked if Olivia had a Prince Charming and Olivia looked over and pointed at sweet. Olivia told her that she has seen her movie tons of times, that it was the first movie she saw in the theater and that it's mommy's favorite.
Next was Aurora. I'm sure you can imagine how excited Olivia was to meet her. Aurora complimented Olivia on her lovely dress.
Then we met Cinderella (third time, if you're keeping count). She was very, very sweet and talked to Olivia for a while.
Cinderella's castle in the background. It's so pretty. I wish you were able to walk through it and see inside. I think that would be awesome.
Spit spot. Time to meet Mary Poppins.
At this point of the day, Olivia's dress had rubbed a few areas raw so we bought a shirt. She chose a "Weird Girl" shirt from Frankenweenie. She also saw Jack and Sally dolls (Nightmare Before Christmas) and HAD to have them.
Yummy!! Smoked turkey legs!! You become very caveman-like when eating one these. Witness Exhibit A:
And Exhibit B:
While walking to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad (again), we saw Chip and Dale. Other than the Goofy and Donald at the Halloween party, these were the most playful characters we met.
They gave hugs, acted like they were going to take off in the stroller,
and danced,
and danced,
and danced,
and danced,
and danced.
Dale dropped the pen for the autograph book and they both stood up really fast and blamed it on one another.
Then they gave more hugs
and then got in picture pose.
She loved them!
Next up, lunch at The Crystal Palace. She met Eeyore.
"Mom, look who's coming!"
It's Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh. Chubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. He's Winnie the Pooh....that's the theme song...)
When Piglet came by, he saw the Sally doll and loved it which Olivia thought was great.
Yay!! Tigger (The most wonderful thing about Tigger is I'm the only one)!! I can't help but have their songs go through when I see them.
Here we are riding the It's a Small World ride. You know the song so I'll spare you. If you don't know the song, you're lucky! The seats are very uncomfortable which is only good because at 12 long minutes of the song repeating over and over, you would fall asleep because it's just a bunch of dolls singing...and singing....I'm sorry if you like this ride.

Being silly in a gift shop.
Heading to Haunted Mansion, we saw Tiana heading out. We hopped on over. Olivia has said it was her favorite princess to meet because she was so nice.
One of the busts outside of Haunted Mansion.
Olivia wanted to ride the Mad Hatter Tea Cup ride. I didn't feel like throwing up, so I decided to sit this one out. Here Olivia and daddy have found where I'm sitting.
The ride is going ok. They are spinning their cup like crazy.
Right here, you see the exact moment that Olivia is DONE with the spinning!

Chris is imitating Olivia's face when she didn't want anymore spinning.
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad....again.
This is Olivia's favorite ride EVER.
Evil Emperor Zurg outside of the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin ride.
We ended another awesomely fun (and exhausting) day having dinner and a rice krispie treat at the hotel.