Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April CF Clinic

Olivia had clinic today. I have been dreading clinic because she's been sick so many times lately and I knew her weight was going to be an issue. So here are her numbers for this clinic-I'll put last clinic's numbers in parentheses so you see what the changes are. 

Height-46 inches (44.25 inches)
Weight-43.3 lbs (42.7 lbs)
Height/weight ratio-27% (53%)
O2 saturation-98% (99%)
PFT FEV1-103% (127%)

So you can see that she gained a smidge of weight, but grew quite a bit which killed her BMI. Her lung function decreased but she's been sick and dealing with allergies so we're not concerned (too much) at this point. But they did say she sounds a little lung gunky.  She also had a bunch of blood drawn to see what her vitamin levels look like. 

We have a chest CT scheduled for April 10 and she's meeting with an allergist in May. We're changing her allergy medicine regime and adding in hand CPT (chest percussion therapy) to help clear the mucous. Clinic wants to see her in 6 weeks to make sure she's going in the right direction.

I'm ready for a nap now!!

Here's Olivia and Hannah before heading out. 
Olivia waiting for the fun to begin. 
Olivia with the AWESOME Mary Lester (respiratory goddess). 
Olivia prepped with the cream to numb the blood draw site. 
Post blood draw. She was an super brave girl!!


Lil' Chris' Mom said...

Wow! Smiles for blood draw! That's amazing! Chris hates blood work. Keep up the great work! Chris has not hit 100 yet for PFT.

Amy said...

She looks super happy for being at the clinic! What a sweet girl!

Gina said...

What a beautiful little trooper! I'm glad the numbing works for her. That didn't work for my son...not even when he was that age. Wow, how things have changed for the better. Love all the pics. You take awesome photos. Blessings to you and your family!