Thursday, March 5, 2009

Clinic Update - March

Yesterday was Olivia's monthly Clinic and Synagis shot. It was her last Synagis shot - I don't think she will get them next year - so YAY! for no more monthly shots! Her doctor said her lungs sounded good. The cough hasn't gotten into her lungs and it just the basic crud that's going around right now (Daddy has it to). Her doctor didn't put her on any antibiotics and just told us to keep treating her cough the way we have. There was only one change to her medications (qty 3 Creon 5 before each meal). Her dietician gave us the okay for all foods within reason (no steaks or chicken drumsticks) and, of course, she still needs to be healthy and eat nutritiously. She also will be drinking whole milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast instead of formula. Her height was 29.5 inches (70th percentile) and her weight was 19 lbs 13 oz. (45th percentile) which put her BMI a little below 40%. Her O2 saturation was a ROCKIN' 100%!! So I would say it was another good Clinic for Olivia!

By the way...She got to eat her first scrambled eggs last night (which I video-ed) and I will add the video when I get home from work.


Chad said...

I bet she liked the scrambled eggs, if she takes after her dad!

Julie said...

Yay, great news! You couldn't ask for a better birthday present!

Lil' Chris' Mom said...

Great clinic visit!! She did great w/ the eggs too!